Sunday 16 April 2023

Easter 23 East Cowes - 7th/9th April 2023

 The Maiden Voyage of 2023 was three days in East Cowes as we tried to dodge the weather which was changeable. Its been a protracted wet period and we were unsure what the weather might do, as it turned out the Friday and Saturday were sunny and cool but the weather returned with a vengeance on the Sunday so we headed for home a head of the weather front.

Charlie heading for a mini break
I'm ready Grandad
Charlie excited to leave
Charlie & Nanny underway

Another Season starts

Greek Princess went straight to plane

Lovely start to the season

Cowes dead ahead
East Cowes never disappoints sunny when were arrived
Back again
RNLI next door
Nice glass of red
East Cowes Office
Great view astern
Charlie's favourite place
Charlie missing home
Charlie wants walkies
Time to hide the bone
East Cowes 
What's in the the pack
New Café in East Cowes
Charlie getting a treat
We found the Romanov Memorial Park
Russian Royal Family Romanov Memorial
Charlie looking cute 
Lets get the water taxi
Old East Cowes Frank James Cottage Hospital
Come on Charlie
Sausages Nanny

Greek Princess on M6

Heading off to Haslar

Lets get back before the rain

Looking stormy ahead F5 awaits

Leaving the Medina

Great Weekend away
Back Safe into Haslar Marina

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