Monday, 8 June 2020

First Run Out of 2020 Sparks Marina - 7th June 2020

First run out of the season was to Sparks Marina Hayling Island and due to lock down rules we could only go for a short day stay. Jude, & Charlie Beans came with us by boat and Sarah & Kev joined us for drinks and nibbles.

Skipper and Crew ready to go
Calm start to the day
Charlie and his new jacket
All this travel is making me sleepy
The Crew at Sparks
Kev, Jude & Charlie
Enjoying the sun
Chilling at Hayling
Charlie loving life
Mooring with the big boys
Sarah taking in the sun
Grey skies as we slipped our lines
Narrow dredged channel at Sparks
Skipper and mate
Threatening skies at Chichester Entrance
Hope we don't get wet
Arrival back to Haslar basin
E7 Sparks Marina Hayling Island
GP looking very clean
Skipper at the helm
Safely back in Haslar after our first outing

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